Shifting from a “fix-it” model to a
“long term benefits” model.


Project Body helps people from all different walks of life to get back on track and to find more balance in their overall well-being.


Our Services

  • Myofascial Release

    Myofascial Release (MFR) is a form of bodywork that works to release areas where the fascia may be tight or stuck. MFR techniques are applied slowly to allow the fascia to soften, lengthen and release. Without the use of lotion or oil, the practitioner will apply a steady, gentle pressure into the tissues, working superficial to deep, and then slowly start to stretch the tissue until a release is felt. As restrictions are released, the client will notice that the area is not as sensitive or painful and has more ease and range of movement. The ultimate sensation is the wave or ripple effect that can occur as the tissue unwinds.

  • Microfascial Unwinding

    Microfascial Unwinding (MFU) is a subtle way of working the fascial system or fascial matrix. This technique involves gently connecting in with the client’s body and their fascial matrix with specific hand holds and supporting them in whatever changes they are ready to make - on a physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual level.

    The MFU approach and the techniques can promote healing for anyone who is:

    • experiencing physical & emotional trauma 

    • living in a constant state of fight-or-flight

    • suffering from chronic stress, anxiety, panic attack and fear

    • in a state of compromised health

    • can’t tolerate work on or through the skin

    • suffering from balance issues & vertigo

    • experiencing severe headaches & migraines

    • and for anyone who needs to relax and drop into their parasympathetic nervous system

  • Self-Myofascial Release

    Self-Myofascial Release (SMR), commonly referred to as foam rolling or self-massage, is a soft tissue therapy for releasing tension in fascia that restricts movement in our bodies.

    Fascia and ageing are like two sides to a coin. We are ageing every day, the same as our fascia, which is drying out every day. Just as the fluid that we take in is of concern, the fluid within our fascia is fundamental in keeping our tissues maintain their healthy glide and slide so we can move freely without pain. Our bodies are designed to move. Fascia is designed to stretch and recoil. When fascia is dehydrated it causes tightness and tension in the body, which leads to pain and discomfort.

    Through SMFR techniques like compression and shearing we are able to stimulate small receptors in our body that help muscle and tissue relax and lengthen. Longer muscles and less tension lead to all kinds of good things like less compression of joints, wider range of motion and increased mobility.

 MFR or MFU?

Myofascial Release works from ‘the outside in’.
Micro Fascial Unwinding works from ‘the inside out’.

Although the hand holds with Micro Fascial Unwinding are on the surface of the body, the connection goes deeper with all layers of the body, unwinding and releasing pulling patterns and restrictions all the way down to the cellular level.


  • Megan M.

    “I love my MFR sessions with Elisa. She is very friendly and supportive, a truely caring human. Intuitive in her touch, I always leave feeling restored, released and relaxed. Elisa has such a wealth of knowledge and I feel so lucky to have found her.”

  • Siobhan R.

    “I have suffered from back, shoulder and neck pain for the past 2 years due to poor postural habits. Before seeing Elisa I had tried physiotherapy, acupuncture and deep tissue massage with no prolonged improvement. After my first treatment of Myofascial Release with Elisa it was clear this would not be the case. I found my tension headaches to have disappeared completely and the pain/tightness in my back, shoulders and neck to have improved immensely. I have also found Elisa’s advice on follow up stretches and exercises very helpful and to be a lot easier now that I have less restriction of movement.”

  • Alex K.

    “Elisa is the MVP of Myofascial Release Massage around! Her knowledge, attunement, embodied passion and skill, willingness and excitement to educate and help me better understand my body, ability to hold space for emotional releases, professionalism, awesome personality.. I’m so grateful to have found her and highly recommend her to anyone who values epic touch and bodywork !

    Absolute yes to her.”