We are as young as our spinal column.

— Joseph Pilates


Our bodies need strength, stability, mobility and flexibility.


Group Movement Classes

The group movement classes focus on sequencing the body and mind towards balance, by giving each individual enough time to move at their own pace, mindfully and with intention, so everyone can listen to their own body. Movement is medicine.

By combining Pilates, Yoga, and Self-Myofascial Release we create body awareness, strength & stability, flexibility & mobility, recovery & longevity. This gentle, yet powerful therapeutic approach supports overall health.

Group Pilates & Yoga Classes

  • Men Piloga

    Yes, this one is for the blokes. It’s true. Men do Pilates too. In fact, Pilates was actually created by a man for men! And the same applies for Yoga. Movement of any kind is for everyone.

    You may be wondering what type of “men” is this class for? City men. Healthy men. Strong men. Athletic men. Injured men. Corporate men. Tradesmen. All men, really.

    All you need to do is to show up with an open mind, playful attitude and the intention to move better and stay physically healthy and strong. This sure will improve your golf swing, lifting technique, maybe reduce that niggly old back pain or even get some more length in those gorgeous hamstrings.

    Tuesdays @ 5:30-6:30pm — coming soon

  • Sunrise Piloga

    Who doesn’t like Pilates, Yoga, Self-Myofascial Release for breakfast?!

    Begin your day nice and early with a delicious hour of blended movement forms.

    This class is for everyone. Wake up the body gently, work and challenge it enough so you break a little sweat, and leave the studio feeling more spacious and body-aware after some rolling and stretching.

    Rise and shine, it’s movement time.

    Thursdays @ 6:15-7:15am —$22 / 60 minutes

  • Pilates + MFR

    Mat Pilates focusing on functional movement with the use of props and Myofascial Release.

    This class works towards strength and mobility, improves the range of motion for daily life, as well as hydrates our fascial system.

    Whether you are an athlete, movement enthusiast, spend lots of time sitting at a desk, have chronic muscle tension, are rehab-ing from an injury, this is for you!

    Thursdays @ 9-10am —$22 / 60 minutes


Location and what to bring:

Group movement classes are held at the upstairs studio space at the ADLibrary, 2 Frederick Street, Wānaka.

Spaces are limited. Book online to save your spot.

If you have, please bring your own mat, block, MFR balls & strap. All other props are provided.